firemny notebook, praca z domu, multisport karta, flexibilny pracovny cas, 3 bonusove dni dovolenky, karierny rast
nie je moznost 13. platu
kolektiv a ochota kolegov navzajom si pomahat
Ze sa casto pridava robota ("optimalizuje sa") a ak niekto odide jeho robota sa casto rozdeli medzi inych dvoch bez zmeny platu.
Benefity firmy - sick days,bonusove dni dovolenky,flexibilny pracovny cas
V poslednej dobe dost vela zmien na niektorych oddeleniach
I work 4 years in the Company and my conclusion is very positive. I have great experience and talent growth platform here. Outstanding and peple arround, always positive, thinking progressively. I like working here, because of this atmosphere
Complex structure, but I understand that
Career is not only pure results in figures, it’s biggest part of our life, be more human, less digital
Multi-sport karta, home office, vela vzdelavacich programov
13.plat nie je
Nefinancni benefity
Byrokraticky moloch zviazany casto nesmyslnymi procesmi, asmosfera na pracovisku je velmi ovplyvnena manazermi